Muscle scraping has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to break up scar tissue and allow healing. Now known to modern medicine as The Graston Technique®, this hands-on working of the soft tissue uses an instrument to allow the practitioner to introduce a controlled amount of microtrauma into an area of excessive scar and/or soft tissue fibrosis. This invokes an inflammatory response in the body that augments the healing process.
Controlled microtrauma, in this case, is hurting people to make them better. Sometimes an improperly healed bone must be re-broken so it can re-heal in proper alignment. And muscle tissue is very similar.
The technique works much like a tuning fork for the practitioner, it resonates in the practitioner's hands allowing him to isolate adhesions and restrictions, and treat them very precisely. It is clinically proven and resolves 87% or more of all conditions treated.
Controlled microtrauma, in this case, is hurting people to make them better. Sometimes an improperly healed bone must be re-broken so it can re-heal in proper alignment. And muscle tissue is very similar.
The technique works much like a tuning fork for the practitioner, it resonates in the practitioner's hands allowing him to isolate adhesions and restrictions, and treat them very precisely. It is clinically proven and resolves 87% or more of all conditions treated.